There will be a number of ways to get involved during the process to develop the Comprehensive Plan and plans for the focus areas.  As part of the community engagement process, opportunities for input will be providded at public meetings, an online community survey, and opportunities through this website. You can join the email list below to receive announcements when these meetings are scheduled in the future. 

The community survey was available online throughout the planning process. On Thursday, June 13th, a public drop-in meeting was held at the Benjamin E Mays Family Center (850 Sunny Acres Road, Pacolet). The meeting took place from 6:00 to 8:00 pm and members of the public were welcome to come at any point during that time period. Attendees were also able to view the plans and provide input. If you missed the public meeting, you can view the materials shared below.

View Public Drop-in Meeting Boards!

View Draft Comprehensive Plan!

The public hearing for the Comprehensive Plan will be held on Monday, July 8th at 6:00 pm as part of the Planning Commission Meeting at Pacolet Town Hall. It will be at this meeting that the Planning Commission will consider recommending the Plan to Council. Council will then have two readings to officially approve the Comprehensive Plan. You can view the DRAFT Comprehensive Plan here. 

Join the email list for project updates by clicking below.